About the Canadian Environmental Law Archive
The Archive is a project of the Canadian Environmental Law Foundation.
The Canadian Environmental Law Foundation is the charitable arm of Canadian Environmental Law Association .
As one of the earliest members of the environmental law sector in Canada, Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) has a deep understanding of how the rights and privileges we enjoy today came into being. CELA knows how hard-won those victories were. CELA also knows how fragile gains are and how easily they can be lost.
One of the driving forces behind the creation of the Canadian Environmental Law Foundation in 1993 (originally the Resource Library for the Environment and the Law) was a desire to protect and document the history of environmental law and environmental decision-making.
Today, the Foundation maintains digital and physical collections that document the history of environmental protection across the country.
Some come from CELA’s historical records. Others are from the Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy (CIELAP).
CELA and CIELAP were originally the Canadian Environmental Law Research Foundation, founded in 1970, but later separately incorporated. CIELAP was a research and education organization whose mission was to inform legislative, policy and regulatory outcomes for sustainability at the national and provincial/territorial levels of government in Canada. While CIELAP has been wound down, it transferred all of its assets and publications to CELA and to the Foundation respectively. The Foundation continues to provide access to CIELAP’s work through the Archive and the Environmental Beginnings project on the Foundation website.
Other collections were rescued when their original online homes were shuttered. The archive reflects work by government agencies, watchdog authorities, nonprofit organizations, lawyers, and many of the country’s most influential environmental advocates.
In hosting this Archive, we aim to preserve the history of environmental law for the environmental and legal community for years to come.
Your Guide to the Archive
A fonds is a collection of documents that share the same origin. The Canadian Environmental Law Archive organizes its items by fonds that reflect CELA’s traditional areas of focus and include CELA’s publication series, as well as the entire publication catalogue of the former CIELAP, as well as key documents on certain topics published by the former Great Lakes United. It also includes certain topical collections such as the Great Lakes Charter, or Nuclear Waste history in Canada.
Items in the Archive are assigned to Collections, which connect items by the type of document or the overarching theme. If you are looking for a specific type of document, such as submissions on toxics, or CELA publications on water, then Collections can help guide you.
All Collections
- Administrative history
- Bill 127 The aggregates act
- Biosolids LR
- CELA Briefs and Responses to Government Consultations Energy
- CELA briefs and responses to government consultations environmental justice
- CELA Briefs and Responses to Government Consultations On the land
- CELA briefs and responses to government consultations Other
- CELA Briefs and Responses to Government Consultations Toxics
- CELA Briefs and Responses to Government Consultations Trade and the environment
- CELA briefs and responses to government consultations water
- CELA FED Cancer prevention
- CELA Publications Energy
- CELA Publications Environmental justice
- CELA Publications On the land
- CELA Publications Other
- CELA Publications Toxics
- CELA Publications Trade and the environment
- CELA Publications Water
- Children's health
- CIELAP Air quality energy and climate change briefs and responses
- CIELAP Air quality energy and climate change publications
- CIELAP Biotechnology and Nanotechnology briefs and responses
- CIELAP Biotechnology and Nanotechnology publications
- CIELAP Hazardous and Solid Wastes and Toxics briefs and responses
- CIELAP Hazardous and Solid Wastes and Toxics Publications
- CIELAP Newsletter
- CIELAP on the land briefs and responses
- CIELAP on the land publications
- CIELAP other briefs and responses
- CIELAP other publications
- CIELAP Sustainable Development and Sustainability briefs and responses
- CIELAP Sustainable Development and Sustainability publications
- CIELAP Water quality and quantity briefs and responses
- CIELAP Water quality and quantity publications
- Commission for Environmental Cooperation
- Deregulation
- Drinking water LR
- Environmental Impact Assessment LR
- GLU Administrative history
- GLU Administrative management
- GLU Annual General Meetings
- GLU Boards and committees
- GLU Health
- GLU Labour and environment
- GLU News releases
- GLU Newsletter
- GLU Publications
- GLU Toxics
- GLU Waste management
- GLU water
- GLU Water conservation
- Great Lakes charter annex
- Great Lakes LR
- Great Lakes Remedial Action Plan
- Groundwater LR
- Halton Region Landfill
- Hazardous waste LR
- Hazardous waste program
- Health
- Indigenous health
- Intellectual property
- Low Income Energy Network
- Municipal Drinking Water LR
- Non-municipal drinking water
- Nuclear energy LR
- Nutrients LR
- Ontario Hydro East Transmission Expansion
- Ontario water taking permits
- Pollution LR
- Pulp and paper
- Radioactive waste
- Regulatory efficiency act
- Safe drinking water act
- Solar energy
- Source water protection
- Special Nuclear Collection
- Special Nuclear Collection Health and Safety
- Special Nuclear Collection Waste
- Sunsetting
- The Great Lakes United Newsletter
- The precautionary principle
- Toronto waterfront
- Toxic Reduction Act
- Toxics LR
- Trade and Environment LR
- Voluntary Initiatives
- Walkerton LR
- Water and trade LR
- Water conservation LR
- Water infrastructure LR
- Water Law Reforms
- Water pollution
- Water privatization LR
- Water resource management of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence river basin
- Watershed planning LR
- Wetlands
- Women's Health
Items in the Archive are tagged with Subjects, which helps identify the focus in the documents. Subjects include topics such as air quality, erosion, and festivals, etc.
All Subjects
- 50th anniversary
- Aboriginal affairs
- Aboriginal lands
- Aboriginal peoples
- Access to information
- Access to Information Act
- access to justice
- Accountability
- Acid rain
- adequate temperature
- administrative monetary penalties
- Aggregate Resources Act (ARA)
- aggregates
- Agreements
- Agri-food industry
- Agricultural assistance
- Agricultural policy
- Agricultural technology
- Agricultural workers
- Agriculture
- Aid programs
- air emissions
- Air pollution
- Air quality
- air toxic pollution
- Allowances
- Alternative fuels
- alternatives assessment
- Amendments
- Animal husbandry
- Animal research
- Animal rights
- Annual reports
- appeal rights
- Appeals
- Aquariums
- Areas of Concern (great lakes)
- article
- asbestos
- Assessment
- Atmospheric emissions
- Audit
- Automobiles
- Awareness
- background information
- Basel Convention
- Best practices
- Bibliographies
- bibliography
- bill 185
- bill 23
- biodiversity
- Bioenergy
- Biological diversity
- Biotechnology
- bisphenol A (BPA)
- Board of directors
- book
- book chapter
- Booklets
- bottled water
- Boundary waters
- Bridges
- briefing note
- Broadcasting
- brochure
- brownfields
- budget
- Budget planning
- building codes
- building performance standards
- By-laws
- bylaws (by-laws)
- Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA)
- Canada Labour Code
- Canada Water Act
- Canada-Ontario Agreement (COA)
- Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA)
- Canadian Environmental Protection Act
- Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA)
- Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) carcinogens
- Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)
- Canadian-American relations
- Cancer
- carbon pricing
- carcinogens
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Case studies
- categorization (under CEPA)
- Certification
- Charter
- Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- Chemicals
- Chemicals management
- child care
- child health
- Children's health
- chronic disease
- circular economy
- citizen action
- Citizen participation
- Civil law
- class actions
- class EAs
- Class Proceedings Act
- Clean Water Act
- climate
- Climate Adaptation
- Climate change
- Climate Change and Vulnerable Communities
- climate crisis
- climate justice
- Colleges
- Commercialization
- Commissions of inquiry
- Committees
- Communications
- Community partnerships
- Community programs
- community right to know
- Community services
- Competition
- Composting
- Concrete
- conditional registration of pesticides
- Confidentiality
- Conservation
- Conservation Authorities
- Conservation Authorities Act
- Constitution
- Constitution Act
- Construction
- Consultations
- Consumer products
- Consumer protection
- Contact
- contaminants
- Contaminated sites
- Control
- Corporations
- Correspondence
- cosmetic pesticide use
- Cosmetics Hotlist (under FDA)
- Costa Rica
- Costs
- COVID-19
- Crops
- Crown Forest Sustainability Act
- Crown lands
- Crown Liability and Proceedings Act
- culture of consumption
- cumulative effects
- Death
- Decisions
- decommissioning
- deep geologic repository (DGR)
- deep geological repository
- demand side management (DSM)
- deregulation
- development
- Discrimination
- Diseases
- Divisional Court
- Domestic Substances List (DSL)
- Donations
- Drainage
- Drainage Act
- Drinking water
- duty to consult
- e-waste
- EAA Projects List
- Economic analysis
- Economic development
- ecosystem health
- Ecosystems
- Education
- Electric power stations
- Electricity
- Electricity Act
- Electronic waste
- Electronics
- Electronics industry
- emergency planning
- Emergency preparedness
- Emission control technology
- Endangered species
- Endangered Species Act (ESA)
- endocrine disruption
- Energy
- energy affordability
- Energy conservation
- Energy efficiency
- energy from waste
- Energy management
- energy planning
- Energy policy
- energy poverty
- Energy production
- energy rates
- energy retrofits
- Energy use
- Enforcement
- Environment
- environment assessment (EA)
- Environmental agreements
- environmental assessment
- environmental assessment (EA)
- Environmental Assessment Act (EAA)
- Environmental Bill of Rights
- Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR)
- Environmental Compliance Approvals (ECAs)
- Environmental education
- Environmental hazards
- environmental health
- environmental health disabilities
- Environmental impact
- Environmental impact assessment
- Environmental indicators
- environmental justice
- environmental justice pollution and poverty
- Environmental law
- environmental laws
- Environmental management
- environmental monitoring
- Environmental policy
- Environmental protection
- Environmental Protection Act (EPA)
- environmental racism
- Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT)
- environmental rights
- Environmental standards
- Environmental technology
- environmnetal racism
- Erosion
- excess soil regulation
- executive summary
- Exports
- extended producer responsibility (EPR)
- Extended Producer Responsibility. Transparency and labelling
- External relations
- Extreme Heat
- fact sheet
- Farms
- featured
- federal budget
- Federal Court
- Federal Court of Appeal
- Federal government
- Fertilizers
- Finance
- Financial assistance
- Financial management
- First Nations
- Fiscal policy
- Fish
- Fish farming
- Fisheries
- Fisheries Act
- flame retardants
- Food
- food policy
- Food safety
- Food security
- Food supply
- Foreign policy
- Forest fires
- Forest management
- Forestry
- Forestry industry
- Forests
- Free trade
- Freedom of information
- freshwater
- Fruit crops
- Fruits
- full cost recovery
- Funding
- Gas industry
- Gasoline
- Genetically modified foods
- Genetically modified organisms
- genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
- Genetics
- Genomics
- Geology
- Globalization
- governance
- Government information
- Grants
- great lakes
- Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Basin Sustainable Water Resources Agreement
- Great Lakes Charter
- Great Lakes Protection Act (GLPA)
- Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA)
- green and just recovery
- green chemistry
- Green Energy and Green Economy Act
- green standards
- Greenbelt
- Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act
- Greenhouse gases
- Groundwater
- Growth Plan
- Guidelines
- habitat protection
- Habitats
- Harbours
- Hazardous materials
- Hazardous Products Act (HPA)
- Hazardous waste
- Health
- Health care
- Health hazards
- Health impact
- Health indicators
- Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA)
- Healthy Great Lakes
- Hearings
- Heating
- Herbicides
- History
- Housing
- Human resources
- Human rights
- hydrogen
- hydrogen strategy
- Hydrogeology
- Hydropower
- IAA Project List
- impact assessment
- Impact Assessment Act (IAA)
- Imports
- incineration
- Indigenous knowledge
- indigenous law
- Indigenous rights
- indoor environment
- industrial emissions
- Industrial waste
- Industry
- Information policy
- Information requests
- infrastructure
- Infrastructures
- Inspection
- Intellectual capital
- Intellectual property
- intensification
- intergenerational equity
- international
- International adoption
- International agreements
- International cooperation
- International development
- International economics
- International law
- International trade
- International transport
- Internships
- Invasive species
- Invasive Species Act
- joint statement
- judicial review
- just transition
- Justice system
- labeling
- Labelling
- Labour
- Labour law
- Labour standards
- Labour unions
- Lakes
- Land claims
- Land management
- land use
- land use planning
- landfill
- Landfills
- Law
- Lead
- Leadership
- legacy
- legacy contaminants
- Legal aid
- Legal Aid Ontario (LAO)
- legal decision
- Legal issues
- Legal rights
- Legal services
- legal submissions
- Legislation
- Legislative assemblies
- letter
- Liability
- life form patents
- Livestock
- Local governments
- Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT)
- Long Term Energy Plan (LTEP)
- low impact development
- Low income
- low income energy
- Lumber industry
- Management
- Manure
- map
- Marine equipment
- marine protected areas
- maximum heat
- maximum heat by-laws
- maximum indoor temperature
- Maximum Temperature By-Law
- Media
- Medical research
- Meetings
- Memorandum
- mercury
- Metals
- microbial impairments
- Microorganisms
- migrant workers
- Minerals
- mining
- Mining Act
- Mining industry
- Ministerial Zoning Order (MZO)
- Ministers
- ministry of energy
- model bill
- monitoring
- municipal
- Municipal Act
- municipal authority
- municipal jurisdiction
- Municipalities
- nanomaterials
- Nanotechnology
- National Energy Board (NEB)
- national environmental law test cases
- National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI)
- Natural resources
- Nature conservation
- Needs
- negligence
- neonicotinoid pesticides
- neurotoxicants
- Newsletters
- Newspapers
- Niagara Escarpment
- noise pollution
- Non profit organizations
- non-chemical alternatives
- Nongovernmental organizations
- Northern development
- nuclear
- Nuclear energy
- Nuclear facilities
- Nuclear Liability and Compensation Act
- nuclear licencing
- nuclear phase-out
- Nuclear power plants
- nuclear proliferation
- nuclear safety
- Nuclear Safety and Control Act
- Nuclear technology
- Nuclear waste
- Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO)
- nuisance
- nutrient management
- Nutrient Management Act
- Nutrition
- Occupational health
- occupational health and safety (OHS)
- Occupational safety
- ocean
- Oceans
- Offshore drilling
- ontario
- Ontario - central north
- Ontario - east
- Ontario - north
- Ontario - southwest
- Ontario - Toronto and GTHA
- Ontario Court of Appeal
- Ontario Energy Board (OEB)
- Ontario energy policy
- Ontario Land Tribunal
- Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
- Ontario Power Generation
- Ontario Water Resources Act (OWRA)
- Ontario-wide environmental law test cases
- Organic foods
- Organizations
- Outreach services
- oversight
- packaging
- Parks
- participant funding
- Partnerships
- Patents
- Perceptions
- persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
- persistent organic pollutants PFAS/PFOA/PFOS
- Pest Control Products Act (PCPA)
- Pest Control Products Act Response to a Consultation
- pesticide bylaws
- Pesticides
- Pesticides Act
- Pests
- petroleum facilities
- Petroleum industry
- Pharmaceutical industry
- phthalates
- Pickering
- Pipelines
- pits and quarries
- Planning
- Planning Act
- planning law
- Plants
- plastic
- Plastic Global treaty
- Plastics
- Plastics industry
- Plastics/microplastics
- Policy
- Policy development
- Policy review
- pollinators
- Pollutants
- polluter pays principle
- Pollution
- pollution and poverty
- Pollution control
- Pollution prevention
- Poverty
- precautionary principle
- Prevention
- Price regulation
- Pricing
- Privacy
- Private sector
- private wells
- Privatization
- Property
- Protection of Public Participation Act
- provincial budget
- Provincial governments
- Provincial parks
- Provincial Policy Statement (PPS)
- Public access
- Public administration
- public consultation
- Public engagement
- public health
- Public hearings
- Public opinion
- public participation
- Public transit
- public trust
- publication consultation
- Publications
- Pulp and paper industry
- Radiation
- Radio
- Radioactive materials
- radioactive substances
- Radioactive waste
- radionuclides
- radon
- Rates
- Recreation
- Recycling
- recycling Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (RRCEA)
- Reform
- Regulation
- Regulations
- Rehabilitation
- Renewable energy
- renewable hydrogen
- RentSafe
- report
- Reports
- reproductive and developmental toxicants
- Research
- Residential Tenancies Act (RTA)
- Resource development
- Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act
- Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (RRCEA)
- Resources conservation
- Resources management
- response to con
- response to consultation
- Review
- Right to a healthy Environment
- right to healthy environment
- right-to-know
- Ring of Fire
- risk assessment
- Risk management
- Rivers
- Road networks
- road salt
- Rotterdam Convention
- Rural development
- Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
- Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act
- Safety
- Safety measures
- Safety regulations
- Safety standards
- schools
- Secondary education
- secondary lead smelter
- Secondary schools
- septics
- sewage
- small modular reactors
- small modular reactors (SMRs)
- social determinants of health (SDOH)
- Soil
- Soil conservation
- soil contamination
- Solar energy
- source protection
- source water protection
- Source Water Protection Act (SWPA)
- Species at Risk Act (SARA)
- spills
- Sprawl Development
- Standardization
- Standards
- Statements
- Statutory Powers and Procedures Act (SPPA)
- Stewardship
- Stockholm Convention on POPs
- Storms
- stormwater management
- Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs)
- Strategies
- substitution
- Superior Court of Justice
- Supreme Court of Canada (SCC)
- sustainability
- Sustainable development
- Sustainable Water and Sewage Systems Act
- Technological innovation
- tenants
- Terrestrial ecosystems
- torts
- Tourism
- toxic chemical
- toxic chemicals
- toxic chemicals management
- Toxic substances
- Toxicology
- Toxics Reduction Act (TRA)
- Trade
- Trade agreements
- trade and environment
- Trade policy
- Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership
- transparency
- Transport
- Transport policy
- transportation
- Transportation safety
- Trees
- trespass
- triclosan
- tritium
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
- uranium
- Urban environment
- Urban planning
- Urban transit
- Vegetable crops
- Vegetables
- Vehicles
- video
- virtual elimination
- VOCs
- Volatile Organic Compounds
- volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
- Volunteer work
- vulnerable communities
- vulnerable populations
- Walkerton
- Waste
- Waste Diversion Act
- Waste management
- Waste water
- wastewater
- Water
- Water conservation
- Water demand
- water diversions
- Water management
- water monitoring
- Water Opportunities and Water Conservation Act
- Water pollution
- Water quality
- water quantity
- Water supply
- water taking permit
- water testing
- Water use
- water utilities
- watershed planning
- Watersheds
- webinar
- wells
- Wetlands
- Wildlife
- Wildlife management
- Wind energy
- Women
- Women's health
- Working conditions
- Workplace health and safety
- Youth